Wednesday 11 May 2011

Last Night at ACOFI Book Tour at Tatty Devine
11:06 am

Last Night at ACOFI Book Tour at Tatty Devine

Well I arrived a tad late at Amelia's Compendium Of Fashion Illustration Book Tour at Tatty Devine last night. When I got there the shop windows already had lots of doodles and I was itching to get the Posca pens out. Although I was feeling a little bit flustered from travelling Amelia offered us some lovely mini cup cakes from Cute as a Cup Cake which made me feel a million times better! (No photos of the cup cakes unfortunately but they were good!)
I said hi to Gemma and June and then we went inside as Amelia was going to give a talk.

I found the talk to be really interesting and informative as Amelia spoke about the history of Amelia's Magazine, how it all came together and why she decided to finish it and the importance of the website whilst it was in print and after. I liked how she was also honest about the publishing and business side of it as she stressed although it was a true labour of love but so much hard work from start to finish!

In relation to the previous book and the ACOFI book Amelia also talked about how she uses social media to promote the website and illustrator's who contribute. For instance by making a hash tag on Twitter so people can follow up to the minute news about ACOFI. And she's always up for trying new social network sites such as Pinterest, a virtual pin board where you bookmark and share your images to people/ followers. So also like FFFFOUND and We Heart It. Amelia was saying how she uses Pinterest to pin images in relation to ACOFI from illustrator's websites and else where.  Amelia stressed the importance of artists (students and graduates) to have some sort of website/ blog/ Twitter so that people can see your work. Even the smallest things like blogging about the process of your work is important as it shows like a small part of your daily life.
Like myself, and many others, I use Facebook and Twitter a lot to promote my own work and technology and social media has completely changed the way we communicate and interact with one another. We're able to form small communities and network with other artists and obviously you have to spend some time doing it. But once you get into the swing of things by having an online presence you can reach a far greater audience, and potential clients too!

...... and how pretty is the window??? If you're around Covent Garden do pop into the Tatty Devine shop. They have most amazing jewellery like ever!

Lot's of postcards and freebies from Dr. Hauschka.  At this point I must have had about 5 cup cakes.

Here's my birdy traingle doodle on the shop window. 

For more information and details about ACOFI Book Tour please go here. And why not join in on Twitter using the unique hash tag to follow up ACOFI (apparently one of the illustrator's came up with it!) #ACOFI

Cute as a Cup Cake are also on Twitter too @cuteasacupcakes. Yay!